Newtecnic Limited is a world-leading firm of engineering designers, architects and contractors, providing consulting services for buildings, infrastructure, and the environment. We operate across a range of sectors including commercial, cultural, residential, transport and administration.
Newtecnic recognises its obligations under legislation to minimise the impact on the environment of our operations and through services we provide.
Furthermore, it is our policy to not only meet such obligations but also to take all practical steps to reduce our “environmental impact” and prevent pollution of the environment, whilst conserving resources.
In support of this policy we will seek ways to reduce the impact of what we do by, reducing waste and energy consumption in all aspects of the business.
We examine all steps in the building lifecycle in initial design and subsequent construction with eventual demolition of projects we are part of.
We determine where renewable resources can be employed, where energy savings can be achieved and where waste reduction can be influenced, then work to introduce steps to carry this out.
We monitor our own environmental impacts and the effectiveness of reducing these through the steps we take. Furthermore, we encourage our clients and their clients to consider environmental impacts for the buildings they commission.
Wherever practical we encourage our suppliers, clients, and staff to join with us in reducing the effect we all have on the environment.
It is our firm belief that stewardship of the environment rests with us all and that we should all play our part in ensuring future sustainability.
• Continue to improve our environmental performance through effective communication, provision of staff training and adoption of best techniques available;
• Use energy and fossil fuels efficiently so as to reduce our carbon emissions;
• Prevent pollution incidents;
• Reduce the amount of waste generated by our activities, sites and premises and the percentage that is sent to landfill;
• Conserve water by reducing demand at our sites and premises;
• Be a respectful neighbour by minimising the impact that our activities, sites and premises have on local communities;
• Protect and, where feasible, enhance biodiversity on sites and premises where we hold responsibility or can influence those that do;
• Seek to influence our clients to adopt, and our designers to provide, solutions that benefit the environment;
• Promote, as far as is reasonably practicable, responsible sourcing and the purchase of materials and services that through their use, sourcing or manufacture, have the least harmful effect on the environment;
• Minimise the need to travel but, where travel is unavoidable, use modern and efficient modes of transport;
• Work with our supply chain to help them improve their own environmental performance.
Senior management will review this policy annually, or following a major operational or organisational change, and establish objectives and targets that are consistent with Newtecnic’s five-year strategy.
This policy will be communicated to all our employees and organisations working with us, made available on our file storage system, and made available to third parties.