Newtecnic Architectural Design Method
A set of 9 project steps is distributed across the 3 categories of visualise, design and test for developing architectural design and engineering design that address construction and fabrication-related design issues at an early stage.
This process allows projects to revisit earlier iterations to inform the project synthesis.
The 9 project steps are:
Spatial Analysis
Functional Arrangement
Spatial Arrangement
Volumetric Arrangement
Environmental Strategy
Structural Strategy
Envelope Strategy
Fabrication Strategy
Construction Strategy
Descriptions and examples of each step can be seen at Modern Construction Online.
5 points of a Newtecnic architecture
An architecture of context – use of below ground space to anchor the building structure and environment into the surrounding infrastructure. Context is created by embedding the building into the site – as well as accommodating its massing and forms with that of its neighbours.
An architecture of spatial arrangement that reflects the processes within the building, but flexible in responding to change. An expression of processes of contemporary work and cultural patterns in the spatial arrangements.
An architecture of envelopes that are independent of spatial arrangement, not an expression of a specific spatial arrangement as would be viewed in section. Internal arrangements and envelope are performing different tasks – the facades are not treated as a map of the interior, but instead complementing the interior.
An architecture of a visual layering of both floors and walls, cut away to create links between floors and a sense of the ‘whole’ experienced from the interior rather than the exterior. The exterior is viewed by the passer-by, and belongs to the experience of the city dweller, worker or visitor.
An architecture of landscape. Nature is introduced into every project – as terraces or interior landscaped spaces; both create connections between space used in common and space which is programmed for specific uses.