Newtecnic Management System

To ensure our work is carried out to the highest possible standards and to help us deliver continual improvement, Newtecnic operates a combined management system which incorporates the following systems, certified to international standards:

  • Quality Management System (QMS) to ISO 9001

  • Environmental Management System (EMS) to ISO 14001

  • Occupational Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) to ISO 45001

  • Information security management system (ISMS) to ISO 27001

Newtecnic utilise four information ‘hubs’ for conducting our operations. The first hub is the ‘Management System’ comprising 4 sets of documents: Manual, Policies, Procedures and Records. The second hub is ‘Outreach’ with associated texts within bid submissions that describe the company’s approach. The third hub is formed by the ‘Newtecnic-authored books’ which provide templates for both design and technically-based tasks together with sample project descriptions. The fourth hub is ‘Project Records’; projects that have been completed – most of which are constructed.

The Newtecnic approach to all tasks is the application of policies, procedures and records to an awareness of both the task and the immediate surroundings in which the task is taking place.

The Management System provides an awareness of how the task fits into a bigger picture; the policies set out context; the procedures describe the process in detail by setting out specific instructions for a given activity. Records provide precedent project examples and associated descriptions.

The procedures comprise groups of documents which set out methods of carrying out the tasks of a given part of building design as sets of instructions that form a methodology for analysis and design in successive projects. The key tasks are organised into categories of architecture, structure, facades and environmental design. Procedures links to both Newtecnic-authored books in order to describe construction systems that would be proposed in construction documentation for any Newtecnic project. Links are provided to materials, walls, roofs, structure and environmental design. Links are also provided from procedures to associated codes and standards.